Is your lunch booking a

Waste of Food, Time
and Money?

PlanEat booking platform predicts lunch bookings and makes your canteen waste less.

Wasting Food?

Wouldn’t it be nice to reduce your food waste about 15 percent? We think it would!

Use PlanEat and start your journey against food waste, with an achievable goal.

Wasting Time?

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend less time on boring lunch administration? Of course it would!

Use PlanEat and shave off an average of 45 minutes of no-fun administration every day.

Wasting Money?

Wouldn’t it be nice to save, let’s say, 1500 € per month on reduced food spendings alone?
We say hell yeah!

Use PlanEat and put that money in the bank.

Our 7 Best Features

1. Predict the number of lunch bookings
2. Works with your current food supplier
3. Make a profit on your lunch service
4. Sell excess food as to-go dinner
5. Get user-feedback on every meal
6. Change number of available seats daily
7. Automatic company and user invoicing

Price Examples

All prices are monthly estimates.

Below 25 meals per day
95€ subscription
280€ food waste savings
185€ Return on Investment
Calculate your savings here
25-49 meals per day
166€ subscription
583€ food waste savings
417€ Return on Investment
Calculate your savings here
50-99 meals per day
280€ subscription
1,176€ food waste savings
896€ Return on Investment
Calculate your savings here

More than 100 meals per day? Contact us

It Only Took Us 10 Years…

After years of time consuming, expensive and unsustainable lunch booking platforms we were about to give up and quit serving lunch at all.

We needed something that could help us predict the number of lunch bookings to stop wasting food, time and money… and that’s why PlanEat booking platform was born.

The Final Battle Against Post-its

After using both complex systems and endless emails and post-its, PlanEat now gives us long-term structure and flexibility for last-minute changes – making it a true lifesaver in everyday office management.

Helping Ourselves… and others like us

PlanEat has made life so much easier for us, and we believe it can help others too – while doing our humble part in the fight against food waste.